  • Welcome to Chabad of Alabama
  • Mexican Shabbat DinnerJoin us for a community Shabbat dinner catered by Chef Josh Haynes Friday, February 21
  • Decoding the TalmudEnter the intricate world of the Talmud: the monumental classic that has defined Jewish learning for centuries. Join this six-week course taught by Rabbi Yossi Friedman to discover the Talmud, its history, authors, and significance and experience it for yourself. Register Now
  • Israel at WarUpdates, spiritual insights, and more. Read More
  • IsraelFor a Jew, the Land of Israel is more than a place. It is a body for the soul of a people. Discover—and uncover—where Israel is in the heart of a Jew, and where the Jewishness is within the heart of Israel.
  • ParentingMothers and fathers tell of the love and the pain, the joy and the fears, the wisdom and the faith, the mystery and the mysticism of raising children. Read More
  • ShabbatShabbat: the island of time that defines the Jew’s week. The rituals, the practices, the do’s, and the don’ts of the Jewish Sabbath—and how you can experience it all for yourself.
  • TefillinThe Mitzvah that binds our minds with our hearts and deeds, and allows a daily reunification within ourselves and with G-d. Tefillin: the what, the why, and the how-to.
  • Jewish CalendarThe most comprehensive and advanced Jewish calendar online. Features a brief summary of key events in Jewish history, laws and customs, Shabbat times and more.
Chabad of Alabama is committed to promoting Jewish pride, study and celebration. We are committed to providing for the spiritual & material needs of all Jews in the community regardless of their background or affiliation. Chabad welcomes every Jew into an inviting and non-judgmental environment. Through youth and adult education, holiday celebrations, Shabbat dinners, and more, Chabad is your home for everything Jewish.
Meet our Team
Learning & Inspiration
  • The Real ArmageddonFor most Jews, the word Armageddon conjures up images of wild non-Jewish ideas, far removed from the... Read More
  • Is Dating Outdated?The Jewish Dating and Marriage Podcast Read More
Shabbat & Holidays
Candle Lighting Times
Birmingham, AL 35223
Weekly Torah Portion
Upcoming Holiday
Mar. 13 - Mar. 14
Daily Thought
Jews, since Abraham, saw themselves as servants of a transcendent G-d. But in a New World, servitude and self-discipline didn’t go over so well. The Rebbe wrote that he had pondered this problem at length: How can we communicate to children today the dedication and responsibility that comes along with being a Jew? So the Rebbe created Tzivos Hashem—literally, an army. He gave the children a sense of pride, as they rose in rank in this army, and told them that they were on a special mission to defeat evil, model goodness, and make this world a divine home for its Maker, the Commander-in-Chief. At public gatherings, the children now...
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